March 14, 2025

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Obama is pretty chipper as the Dow hits a record high. Millions of jobless American aren’t so happy. MANDEL Blake Griffin Clippers Jersey NGAN/AFP/Getty Images Obama is pretty chipper as the Dow hits a record high. Millions of jobless American aren’t so happy.Related Stories U.S. stocks rose amid optimism that La Kings 3rd Jersey housing market recovering Student loan debt nearing $1 trillion threatens economic?recovery? Louis: Stronger unions, better jobs Catholic bishops refuse to be bulldozed on contraception You would think a Reagan Republican has occupied the White House for the last four-plus years, considering how fat and happy stock market investors and corporate America have grown.Extending an extraordinary run, the Dow Jones industrial average closed at a record high Tuesday on the strength of La Rams Jersey profits racked up by the country’s blue-chip giants. And those have been very, very strong.Mitt Romney could scarcely have achieved better results had he been President and set out to minister to the needs of CEOs. Hurray the Dow has doubled since hitting bottom in 2009, a couple of months into Barack Obama’s first term.It’s a fabulous irony that Obama, who has dined Deion Sanders Throwback Jersey out politically by vilifying big business, finds himself the master of a rich-get-richer universe. Manning Colts Jersey All the more astounding: No one invited Obama’s ardently championed hardworking Americans to the feast except if they were lucky enough to have the remains of a 401(k) retirement savings plan and the stomach to play stocks.With unemployment stuck around 8%, and with millions of people forced into part-time or low-paying jobs, corporate earnings have climbed 20% a year since 2008 while disposable incomes edged up 1.4% annually, according to Dean Maki, chief U.S. economist for Barclays.Oh, how the Democrats would flay a Republican who presided over such a have-and-have-not economy. They spare their man because, well, he’s their man. They’re sure Obama’s heart is in the right place, and they blame the GOP for preventing him from lifting the fortunes of the working and middle classes.Whatever. The unemployed are just as jobless while an economic transformation continues apace, companies finding new ways to produce more goods with fewer people and, in the process, holding down wage growth.They’ve made a success of it, and we’re all for efficient production in this hypercompetitive world. As for the stock market, let the bulls run. But let’s also focus on those getting left behind, which is basically Padres Camo Jerseys everyone in the fabled 99%.This can’t be the presidential record Obama envisioned. But it is the one we’ve got.

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