March 10, 2025

Stop Smoking Hypnosis, Try It Today

Hypnosis is thought to work by dissociation, when the behavioral control sector is temporarily separated from ordinary awareness, or from an unconscious decision by the subject to act as if he is out of control when he is, in fact, not.

Certain people can be hypnotized more easily than other people. In studying the human brain both under hypnosis and under normal consciousness, researchers learned that specific parts of the brain are more active under hypnosis in those people who are more easily hypnotized, in comparison with people who are not as easily hypnotized. No difference was found when the brains were not under hypnosis, suggesting that the brain functions differently when it is under hypnosis.

During a hypnosis session to quit smoking, the hypnotist makes suggestions to the smoker who is hypnotized. Control of his behavior is not required for this. Under hypnosis the brain does not analyse what is being told and it agrees to everything without complaint.

Hence if the person is told that he does not want to smoke anymore, after the person wakes he will definitely know that he is not willing to smoke. There is no dilemma then about whether I want a cigarette or not? He may feel the urge to smoke time and again but he will be aware that these are just the effects of an earlier addiction that is no longer existent.

Hypnosis can aid in stopping smoking as well as address the issue of weight gain at the same time.

Before using the services of a hypnotist or the CD consider if weight gain will be a factor in your decision and check if this is included.

You cannot be certain as to whether you will be a good candidate for hypnosis before you actually try it, but you can improve your odds. Make your appointment for a time when you can be relaxed and not under a lot of stress. Women should try to avoid making an appointment during the pre menstrual portion of the month.

If your hypnotist recommends you return for a brush-up session after a while, go even if you do not feel you need to. People sometimes relapse even after an extended period, and this might prevent that in your case. If you received a disc to listen to, this session might include other ones for reinforcement.

If one thinks about hypnotism as a way to quit smoking addiction, then it is advisable to canvas your area for recommendations for a good hypnotist. People such as your doctors or any other health practitioner are very reliable sources for advice. People who engage themselves in quit smoking therapies or treatments are the ones who are more likely to succeed; and one of the best treatments one can find is through hypnosis.