March 10, 2025

Stress, Leave It At The Door

There are many things in life worrying about, but stress should not be one of them. Stress is like disease which sucks the fun out of everything. Stress cause sleep deprivation, lose interest in activities you once found entertaining, and stress can also cause your work performance to suffer.

Stress, many people think of this as a “dirty word” and some think of it as an excuse to act poorly. Stress can be caused by many things, financial problems, marital problems or it could be caused from a happy event such as a wedding, children or going on vacation. Stress is about perception. What is stressful for one may not be for another. Many times we blow things out of proportion and therefore causing more un-necessary stress in our lives. Stress does not have to be caused from something bad in ones life. However stress, whether good or bad can lead to other very serious problems.

Stress has been linked to medical problems such as chronic headaches, age acceleration, lower immune system, heart attacks, chronic body aches, depression and stomach problems. Many people under stress are also short tempered, tense, anxious and jumpy. The list of medical problems from stress goes on and on.

Rapid heart rate, sweaty, nervousness or simply not feeling quite normal are some ways others have described how they feel under stress. You know what your stress feels like much better than someone else. You know what causes stress in you life. Maybe it’s your family, job or money. People get stressed over many things. It is time for you to take a look at your life and how stress is affecting it.

Stress is all about perception. What is stressful for one may not be for another. When learning to cope with stress, you must look at perception as well. Many times we blow things way out of proportion and therefore causing more un-necessary stress in our lives. Some think of stress is caused from bad things in peoples’ lives such as financial issues or marriage problems, however often stress can be caused from something happy such as a wedding or children.

Some people manage stress through a counselor, medications and others turn to hypnosis. Since there are so many different treatments and options for stress management, it is important to research all aspects of the treatments to decide what is right for you.

Hypnosis allows people to change your response to stress. You will find yourself calmer, rational and more relaxed. Hypnosis can help you in multiple ways, one through body relaxation. You will learn to control how breathing which will instantly create a calming effect on your mind, and it will fight tension which can lead to chronic medical problems. It will also help you to address the behaviors you have while experiencing stress such as anger or frustration and allow you to be calm.

Chances are you will always have stress in your life but it does not have to rule your life. There are options out there and it is up to you to make the best decision for YOU. Stress is not good for anyone, you, your family or friends. The time has come for you to make a choice.