March 9, 2025

Stress Management Formula For Quick And Lasting Stress Relief

Young, healthy achievers have begun to realize that success has its price. The excitement of the ups and downs of our daily lives can take its toll. A certain amount of stress is good for you but be careful that you do not turn stressing into a habitual practice. When stress begins to take over your life and affect your health and happiness, it has become a bad habit. Then it is time to do something about it. Here are 6 Golden Rules for Stress Management and the resulting quick and lasting Stress Relief. rnrn1 Accept rnrnAccept that Stress can be controlled and that you can be in command of it.rnThis is half the battle. Stressing is not an outside force of which you can do nothing about. Accept that you have a problem. This is step one and then decide that you are going to control it. Stressing is a bad habit. Get out of it. Manage the stressrnrn2 RecognizernrnRecognize the symptoms and make a conscious effort to shut them down. A widely accepted aid to help identify the tendency to stress is to wear an elastic band around your wrist. Every time you feel you are beginning to stress, snap the band. It reaffirms your determination to not go there. Once more control the situation.rnrn3 Do not blame othersrnrnBlaming others for your stressful situation is just too easy. Life is tough at times and full of knocks and pitfalls, so acknowledge that. Finding a solution to these problems is the normal challenge of life.rnrn4 Take each day at a timernrnA lifetime of conditioned thinking and reaction is not easy to change. However, it can be done by taking small steps at a time. Take care of yourself by keeping clear of stressful situations and do not take on more than you can cope with.rnrn5 Adopt a positive attitude rnrnPut on a smiling face even if do not feel like it. Act the part and eventually you will be the part. You can do it. Watch and listen to positive people. It is just an attitude.rnrn6 Seek help rnrnThere are many professionals who are well trained and experienced at helping to deal with stress – once it becomes an overwhelming problem. There are also many remedies which help to calm your stressful state. Start with a natural remedy that is not habit formingrnrnNever, ever believe for one second that alcohol, tobacco or drugs no matter how mild, will calm your nerves and lessen your stress levels. All you will achieve is a new bad habit or addiction! There is a natural herbal remedy that many people have discovered as an extremely effective mood enhancer to help reduce stress. It is totally non addictive and there have been no recorded side effects. It was once used by ancient tribes in the African desert. The botanical name is Sceletium Tortuosum, also known as Kanna.