March 12, 2025

Stress Management – How To Eliminate Your Stress With Meditation Walking

There are an almost limitless number of stress management techniques. Some are easily recognized while others are more unique. Meditation walking involves combining the technique of mediation with walking. Both are extremely effective at eliminating stress.

Isn’t it typical we overlook the obvious. What’s the one thing you do when you’re at the peak of your anxiety when you feel everything is collapsing around you – walk. Or should I say pace. You know the feeling your heart is racing, your breathing is shallow, your mind is racing and you begin to pace. You literally feel like you can’t stand still.

Well how would you like to use some of that natural reaction to your advantage? Could it be your subconscious mind knows something your conscious mind doesn’t. Of course it does.

When anxiety levels increase walk them away. Most people walk miles in the course of their daily routine. If you don’t believe me try wearing a pedometer for a few days. This makes walking a good opportunity to practice quieting the mind. Focus on the act of walking much the same way you focus on breathing or repeating a mantra in sitting meditation. This can be done indoors or outdoors but you’ll feel a lot better walking outdoors since you’ll have the advantage of getting some sun and fresh air and getting away from everything and everybody.

The purpose of meditation is to focus on the present moment. Practice this simple exercise for 15 to 30 minutes.

1. Stand and relax your abdominal muscles. Take a few deep breaths to relax. Begin walking. As you walk try to continue to breath in this relaxed state. Mentally repeat the word “in” with each inhalation and “out” with each exhalation as you walk.

2. Try to coordinate it so that one of your feet touches the ground at the beginning of each in breath and each out breath. See how many steps seem natural to talk during each inhalation and each exhalation.

3. Pay attention to sensations while walking. Concentrate on your feet and legs. Notice which muscles contract and which relax as you lift your legs up and down. And while your at it pay attention to the ground focus your eyes out a few feet in front of you.

4. Your mind will drift to thinking about things as you walk. Don’t beat yourself up about it just refocus on the words “in” and “out” and your walking strive.

So instead of taking an ordinary walk take a meditative walk. Just make sure your aware of traffic and crossing the street, and other walking hazards. In this technique you not only get the benefit of clearing the mind with meditation you also have the advantage of exercising the body. If you can devote the time, there is no better exercise for eliminating stress.