March 12, 2025

The Benefits Of Laser Hair Removal Of Milford’s Laser Body Contouring

Body contouring is emerging in popularity as an alternative to liposuction and other invasive methods of plastic surgery. Laser body contouring is accomplished with a low level laser and has been proven to cut inches away from the trouble spots: stomach, thighs and hips in addition to the back, arms or any place where stubborn inches could use an extras push. To receive the benefits of laser body contouring, find a clinic that offers the ZERONA procedure. This laser treatment is safe, well researched, and FDA approved. The advantages of body contouring include:

A pain-free treatment
FDA Approved
No extreme recovery time
No Bandages or compression
No restrictions on activities in between treatments
It Works!

How Body Contouring Treatments Work

The low-level laser treatment, ZERONA differs from other procedures in that it’s applied externally onto the treatment area of the skin. Typically the laser is held on the trouble spots for 20 minutes on each side of the body. The laser is effective at breaking down fat that has been stored in the fat cells, and with a well balanced diet and exercise plan, the fat will disperse into the blood stream. With a combination of treatment and healthy practices, inches will not return.

One of the risks of cosmetic surgery for inch reduction is the likelihood that the inch reduction will not be permanent. The ZERONA laser has a high success rate, and patients find that used in part with healthy lifestyle changes, their results not only last, but the treatment boosts motivation. When patients see such quick results, it drives them to eat well, and participate in new exercises. This accelerates results and causes the treatment to become even more effective.

ZERONA Body Contouring Recovery

An important benefit of body contouring is virtually no recovery time. With liposuction and tummy tucks the recovery period is extreme. Patients have to take time off work, and wear uncomfortable compression garments to heal. When a patient wants to change their body it should be a private and personal decision, and having to take weeks off of work for cosmetic surgery, really highlights the fact that a person desires an immediate physical change. With ZERONA body contouring treatment the results are fast but the decision is only known to the patient.

Actually, the ZERONA body contouring device was discovered by a doctor performing a liposuction procedure on one of his patients. After he realized that fat was breaking down much easier and more quickly than expected, with low-level laser tools,he subjected his discovery to clinical trials and studies. Since then, ZERONA has been FDA approved, and the results have been enjoyed by many patients.

Where to Find ZERONA Body Contouring Treatments

Laser body contouring should only be performed by doctors at a cosmetic clinic. Laser Hair Removal of Milford provides ZERONA body contouring treatments, in addition to laser hair removal, and laser spider veins. The clinic serves all of Connecticut. For more information on laser treatments visit, LaserHairRemovalOfMilFord.