March 14, 2025

The Benefits Of Using Contraceptive Patches And Ring

The inception of hormonal contraceptives clearly revolutionized the traditional idea about birth control. The contraceptive pills, containing artificial sex hormones that control the reproductive process, were the first among all forms of hormonal birth control methods; consequently, the wide spread popularity of these pills often overshadow the other methods available that can accomplish the same purpose with equal effectiveness. The use of contraceptive ring and patches can be cited in this context. An unique feature of the newer hormonal birth control methods that sets them apart from the traditional oral contraception methods is that they relief you from the tension of taking medications every day so that you don’t conceive without your wish.

What is a contraceptive patch or a ring?

A contraceptive ring appears to be made of flexible and transparent plastic that also contains right proportion of synthetic oestrogen and progestogen. The most recognized hormonal birth control ring among UK women is the NuvaRing. This method of hormonal contraception is most useful for those sexually active women, who wish to avoid the hazard of taking one pill everyday around the same time. A user of this ring needs to insert it carefully in her vagina in a way that she doesn’t feel uncomfortable about its presence. Once the NuvaRing is fitted properly, it starts releasing these two artificial sex hormones slowly within the physical system of a user and provides her with the same protection like the combined oral contraceptives pills. The biggest advantage of a ring is that it requires to be changed once after every 21 days.

A contraceptive patch, for instance, Evra patch works in the same way like the ring but in terms of its administration, this method of birth control differs considerably. This method is capable of providing its users almost 99% protection from the risk of unwanted pregnancy. An Evra patch combines oestrogen and progestogen at such a proportion that it be tolerated safely by users. A willing user needs to attach a patch on her skin, preferably around the lower abdomen, in such a way that it remains unaffected and don’t come off. The medicinal properties of this patch slowly start mixing up in your blood. They protect you from unwanted pregnancy by making your physical system believe that an ovulation has already occurred and further release of eggs is stopped. Moreover, it also changes the thickness of vaginal fluid and by thinning the density of womb lining so that an egg isn’t fertilized by sperms and even if it happens then fertilized egg doesn’t get a chance to attach itself on the womb wall and grow. A contraceptive patch needs to be changed at a gap of every 7 days and in case it remains detached from your skin for over 3 hours then you may require additional precautions along with attaching a new patch at the earliest.

The added advantages:

The contraceptives patches or rings like, NuvaRing and Evra patch, apart from reducing the chances of unwanted conception also help to lose weight, treat skin disease, ovarian cysts and regulate painful and irregular periods.