March 16, 2025

The Case Of The Reverse Vasectomy

There are a few different nicknames and slang terms for a vasectomy; being snipped, getting fixed, and so on. This particular procedure is especially popular with couples who do not desire more children, and the woman does not want to remain on birth control medication indefinitely. The other option would be a hysterectomy; this is a much more complicated procedure, and the healing time is measured in weeks versus days with a vasectomy. Reversing a hysterectomy would also be impossible, in the event the couple changes their mind.

A vasectomy is a fairly minor surgery in which a qualified urologist makes the man unable to procreate. He is sterile. The actual procedure is performed by making an incision in the vas deferens. This is a small tube-like passageway for sperm to travel from the testicles to mix with the semen. The surgeon is, in essence, creating a permanent traffic jam for the mans sperm. The chance for pregnancy drops to around one percent. There is also a non-scalpel vasectomy procedure available. Be sure to discuss all options with your physician before making a final decision.

An In Depth Look

Any reproductive surgery was once thought to be permanent; as in, no take-backs and no room for oops. In the recent years, doctors have found a way or two to possibly reverse the vasectomy. How would a vasectomy be reversed? Think of a tunnel that has been closed off, and you are attempting to reopen it; the process is delicate, as the tunnel could cave in at anytime. Not that anything will cave in during a vasectomy, but the procedure is a careful one. What is involved in a reversed vasectomy? It works by refusing the separated ends of the vas deferens so sperm can once again pass through. Hair thin sutures are used in the microsurgery.

There are both advantages and disadvantages regarding the reverse vasectomy procedure. On the upside, a vasectomy can still be reversed whereas a hysterectomy cannot. Medical costs are also lower. The healing time for a reversed vasectomy is much longer; instead of a few days it is a week, be prepared for three or four weeks of light lifting specifically placed ice bags, and no nookie.

You cannot guarantee that the reversal will be completely successful and you will be able to procreate again. Many physicians warn their patients to approach the vasectomy procedure as something that is permanent.