March 14, 2025

The Natural Fertility Enhancer

Babies and the growing population is what we see each day even in the depressed economy we reside in. A child can bring out both the best and worst in us yet it is completely rewarding. Many couples try to have children and most are successful yet there are some who need that extra boost, both young and more seasoned. When we get older sometimes we really get caught up in the rut. We work in jobs we don’t have passion for anymore and we feel the physical strain of not enough exercise or nourishment. Infertility has many avenues of reasons but on a more positive note there are alternatives.

Women who are trying to conceive are encouraged to take pre-natal vitamins to assist in this process. Doctors usually recommend a B complex which will increase the ability of estrogen to facilitate fertility. Clinical trial reported that 12 out of 16 previously infertile women were able to become pregnant by using these B supplements over several months. Vitamin B is a group of eight vitamins which include:

– Thiamine (B1)
– Riboflavin (B12)
– Niacin (B3)
– Pantothenic Acid (B5)
– Pyridoxine (B6)
– Cyanobalamin (B12)
– Folic Acid
– Bioten

Most of the time the dietary deficiency has a lot to do with conception and folic acid is usually recommended for women to assist. For men to increase their sperm count the increase of “arginine” which is an amino acid is recommended.

It is quite remarkable discovering that within the bee species their way of achieving more eggs is simply by ingesting a substance called, “Royal Jelly”. The bees that are fed this change into queen bees and grow an average of 50% more than the worker bees and live an average life of 4 years longer while the worker bees only live for about 1-2 months average time. The queen bee also produces eggs exceeding her own body weight. This food is very rich in Vitamin B and Essential Amino Acids.

Finally, vitamins and amino acids may not be the only answer as exercise, diet, stress level, and many other factors involved while trying to conceive a child. Children are in a spiritual place before even born and we need to optimize our options. Our body or temple is a place that needs to be its best as it houses our pride and joy. This time spent in searching for answers should be done in a relaxed fashion coupled with Faith!!!

Copyright (c) 2009 Laurie Noepel