March 13, 2025

The Palm Beach Fertility Center Helping Couples With Innovative Fertility Treatments

In 1994 , the Palm Beach Fertility Center was established with the goal of helping couples to gain access to fertility treatment options that were both cutting-edge and affordable. As it turns out , this is exactly what couples across America had been searching for , and the facility has gone on to become one of the most trusted in the field for providing high quality treatment in a personalized , cost-effective way.

The clinic was created by Dr. Mark Denker , a specialist in the immunology of fertility and treatment of recurring implantation failure. Dr. Denker is a past President of the Florida Society of Reproductive Endocrinology and is at present an active staff member at the West Boca Medical Center and Boca Raton Community Hospital , where he treats thousands of patients each year.

Palm Beach Fertility Center continues to be one of the leading institutions providing cutting-edge fertility treatments to patients from across Southern Florida and patients from around the globe. The numerous advancements within the field in recent years have allowed the clinic to continuously integrate cutting edge treatment methods to help improve their patients’ pregnancy rates year-on-year.

In addition to working with male and female couples , the facility also offers their cutting-edge reproductive services sex couples and single women. Available services for such patients include donor sperm insemination , donor sperm IVF , and other options that are individualized to the patient’s precise requirements. Dr Denker is delighted to welcome partners with their significant others during office visits in order to help address any concerns they have about the treatment that their loved one might undergo.

The specialists at the Palm Beach Fertility Center have the capabilities and tools at hand to conduct a plethora of innovative procedures to help ensure that treatment regimens are tailored precisely to each unique patient’s medical requirements. This process begins with the initial IVF tests. Because each patient is unique their IVF scheduling and treatment will be unique from others undergoing similar treatment within the facility.

After a couple has completed the initial IVF phase , their fertilized embryos can undergo a pre-implementation genetic diagnosis or PGD. This occurs around 8 weeks into the IVF treatment regimen and almost immediately before the embryo transfer.

PGD allows the team at Palm Beach Fertility Center to test embryos for genetic disorders before performing the embryo transfer. This is an especially important test for parents whose children are at a high risk of inheriting a genetic defect. After the couple completes an IVF cycle , one cell from each of the fertilized embryos is tested for the DNA mutation of most concern to that particular patient. Currently , the Palm Beach Fertility Center has the capability to test for over 100 different genetic disorders , including Huntington’s disease , Tay Sachs disease , haemophilia and some types of Leukemia. In addition , when conducting this test , specialists from the facility will test for the presence of either X or Y chromosomes in order to confirm the sex of the embryo.

With a wide suite of innovative equipment and services available to patients at each stage of their treatment , the Palm Beach Fertility Center is the ideal setting for couples searching for an experienced specialist to help with their fertility needs. Contact the experts at the Palm Beach Fertility Center today to book your appointment with one of their on-staff team.

About the Palm Beach Fertility Center:

Created in 1994 by Dr. Mark Denker , the Palm Beach Clinic has gone on to become one of the most successful fertility clinics in North America today. Their pioneering work in the field of fertility has helped thousands of couples to experience the joy of parenthood. For more information , please go to palmbeachfertility.