March 13, 2025

Three Specific Fat Loss Tips

Welcome to the first part of my fat loss “ULTRA Quick-Start” guide. This guide is 7 specific tips, tricks and secrets to get you jump started FAST so you can lose fat and get in the best shape of your life. This quick-results mini guide is intended for every busy parent who needs to get up to speed as quickly as possible!

Let’s get started. Today we will cover the first three tips.

1. Resistance makes you stronger, and hotter both metabolism and appearance wise. Resistance training is not only going to help you burn calories while you are doing the actual act of training but also when you are not due to increased muscle mass consuming calories to maintain itself.

Resistance training can be done many ways but as long as you push a muscle outside its comfort zone, then mission accomplished. This means you can either train at home or anywhere using only your body weight or you can pay for a gym membership and workout there.

Generally speaking, body weight is great if you value flexibility, handling your body in any circumstance easily and do not want time, money or location restrictions on your training.

Training at the gym is better if you want camaraderie, to use machines because you don’t want to learn proper exercise form or are interested in the sport of weight lifting and developing maximum strength against external objects. It is also great if you do not want to do your cardio outdoors and want a variety of cardio machines instead of simple fast paced training.

2. Cardio. Cardio specifically is not magic for weight loss but it is a less intense way to get your total calorie expenditure higher so you create a calorie deficit over all. Generally speaking, cardio is pushed as the proper way to get your heart healthy through elevating your heart rate and a great way to burn weight off. In reality, fast paced weight training does both these things with additional benefits far and beyond what simple cardio can provide.

What cardio DOES have to offer is a less intense way to burn some extra calories when done in the traditional steady state model. You can not weight train intensely as frequently as you could jog and so cardio can be put in for an extra burn. Cardio in the form of intervals and specific sport related activities like sprinting is a different matter. The benefits of that kind of training are many fold including increased speed, agility, power and recovery ability.

3. Low fat. Ketosis is a state your body goes into when carbohydrate stores are low and energy is needed. Your body converts fat stores into energy. While this sounds great and is the basis of many new low carb diets, I have found that high fat is not the way to go. While it does work, I have found with my clients that when they eat low fat but include lots of complex carbs, fruits and colourful vegetables mostly in a raw state, they have better results. The extra nutrition found in the plant based foods makes the system run better overall, then consuming more fat and less carbohydrate in the effort to reach ketosis.

Cravings are almost non existent, energy levels are higher, recovery is quicker and the skin and general look of health is higher.