March 13, 2025

Treating Acne With Contraception Tablets

The very large number of people who are suffering from acne infection have necessitated extensive research and a crusade for its cure. Latest research has revealed that birth control tablets can be employed to manage and heal acne infection. Below is an investigation of the usability of birth control pills as a measure to manage acne.

Contraception tablets can play an important role in acne treatment. These tablets help you treat the issue by controlling the secretion of sebum. It has to be noted that unnecessary sebum is one of the main reasons for acne.

When the sebaceous glands secrete more sebum than the normal, the skin pores tend to get clogged. This clogging of skin pores eventually results in acne. Contraception tablets avoid clogging of skin pores by controlling sebum production and keeping acne in control.

Though there are several factors that could trigger the sebaceous glands, it is male hormone known as androgen that is responsible for a similar. Though androgen is a male hormone, it exists in a greater quantity in females.

Birth control pills reduce the quantity of androgens present in the body. Since the androgens are reduced, the activity of sebaceous glands is controlled. This means no unnecessary sebum and consecutively no more breakouts.

It’s important to note that these pills render desired results exclusively in ladies. Adult females and youths can make use of oral contraceptives to combat their problem of acne. However, it is advisable that the teenagers should take only minimal dosage of such tablets. This is to ensure that they don’t face any adverse side effects.

One of the most important drawback of using these birth prevention tablets to treat acne is they are accompanied with numerous complications. Vaginal bleeding, fluid retention, melasma are some of the customarily complications of using these pills. To add on, using these pills for a bit can also create problems during pregnancy for females.

Besides, these tablets may not work for everybody.They are particularly ineffectual if you are nursing dreadful types of acne such as nodules or cysts. Considering the damaging complications that these pills bring along, it is only advisable that you do not use them for acne treatment.

There are several other acne solution options that will help you lose the problem safely. One of them is the Exposed Skin Care Solution. This anti acne product makes use of FDA licensed ingredients to help lose acne without taking on any harmful side effects. You can also look into Exposed product reviews to gain complete knowledge about the product.

So, for all those who wish to fight acne in a safe way, contraception tablets are a cruel no-no.