March 15, 2025

Tubal Ligation Is Not The End!

Tubal ligation is definitely not final. A large number of women have had tubal ligation done in order to prevent conception. It’s, therefore, one of the known methods of contraception which also include a variety of contraceptive pills, IUCD and the condom among others. It’s quite possible that once you wish to have a baby you may like to have the tubal ligation reversed. Tubal reversal as the surgical operation is also called can be carried out quite safely and with a high chance of success subject to a few pre-conditions. Tubal ligation reversal involves the surgical untying of the fallopian tubes that had been tied earlier. But, before this is attempted the infertility clinic would like to go through all your medical documents. It’s quite possible that you may not qualify for tubal reversal if your fallopian tubes have been removed altogether or if your partner has a low sperm count. However, even in such cases IVF or in vitro fertilization is an option that you have at your disposal.

The success rate for your tubal ligation reversal depends on a few factors too. These are your age, the condition of your fallopian tubes and the quality of the sperms. It’s quite possible to connect at least one of your two tubes during tubal reversal so that you could attempt conception. The success rate of conception after the operation is as high as 70%.

The surgical procedure for tubal ligation reversal involves the repair of the tubes with the help of microsurgical tools. To begin with a fine incision is made just below the pubic hairline. The tubes are next evaluated and scarring or disfiguration is repaired. The blockage is removed with the use of a scalpel and cauterization tools. The tubes are joined again with the help of stitches. The injection of a blue dye confirms that the surgical procedure has been successful or otherwise. The other tube is corrected in a like manner prior to suturing the skin. The surgery would take not more than about 3 hours and you could return home within about four hours.

Also for more information on IVF Success Rates visit