March 14, 2025

What Is The Work Of Fertility Doctor?

A visit to the infertility or fertility doctor is never pleasant. The couple who faces problem in conceiving or is unable to become pregnant after 1 year of having sex without using birth control or a woman older than 35 who has been unable to become pregnant after about 6 months of sex without using birth control should think of consulting a fertility specialist at the earliest. If a woman had three or more miscarriages in a row then also it is advisable to consult a fertility doctor as early as possible. Females diagnosed with cancer during reproductive years who desire to preserve their ability to have children should also seek assistance of fertility specialist. Also, anyone for whom there is a known or suspected risk factor for infertility should seek medical advice once they decide to start a family.

Normally when you are ready to start building up your family you stop using contraceptives of all kinds and start taking home pregnancy test to check out for possible pregnancy. A few months go by and nothing happens and then its the time you start to worry. Consult with your primary care physician or gynecologist and do the basic testing done. Once your primary care physician rules out disease and you’ve been having intercourse during your fertile days for at least one year, a fertility evaluation should be initiated. Her evaluation will include blood tests, ultrasonography and hysterosalpingography (HSG). His evaluation will include a semen analysis.

Based on the results, your primary physician may recommend a treatment plan. Women may be prescribed medications to induce ovulation. If pregnancy is not achieved after three cycles, women should be referred to a fertility specialist.

If test results indicate a blockage in the fallopian tubes, abnormal uterus, abnormal sperm or low sperm count, couples should consult with a fertility specialist immediately as they may be candidates for in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI). It is very important to take a call and visit infertility or fertility doctor at the right time before it is too late. The age of the female partner must be considered in delaying or making an appointment with the fertility specialist.

Normally to be pregnant sperm and egg of human being are required. Sperm and egg should meet to form embryo and that embryo should stick to the uterus wall and should not miscarry (miscarriage). That means following 4 categories decide whether you need an expertise of fertility doctor.


The most important thing to know is whether you are you ovulating? If your periods are not at all regular, you may not be ovulating on your own. Ovulation predictor kits and temperature charting may provide some evidence that an egg is being released. But the only way to actually know whether you ovulate is when you get pregnant. If you are not ovulating you can have issue with egg supply or ovarian reserve. The life span of your ovaries may be concerning either because of age, a family history of early menopause, or illness that could affect your egg reserve, such as treatment for an earlier cancer. A fertility specialist will address these issues on the first visit.


The reason a couple may struggle to get pregnant can sometimes be linked to problems with the sperm. Find out if there is a history of trauma or surgery on the testicles, or a history of major illness such as a cancer that required powerful medications. Even a history of aggressive exercising, especially weight lifting, or very competitive sports can hint at an issue with the sperm count. A semen analysis is a simple test that can be obtained without even consulting a fertility doctor, although you may need one to interpret the results. This testing is done at the fertility doctors clinic only in a private and secure environment designed to put the men at ease. It is an important first step because 20-30% of all untested couples that walk into the door of fertility clinic have a male factor as the primary cause of their difficulties.

Can they Meet?

A woman usually produces a single follicle each month as a result of various hormonal changes. An egg or oocyte usually develops within this follicle, and once mature, is released. The oocyte is then picked up, and moved along the fallopian tubes, towards the uterus. Sperm deposited in the vagina around this time, swim up into the uterus and into the fallopian tubes to meet and fertilise the egg. The fertilised egg then implants in the uterus and grows. However many a times fertilisation of eggs does not take place and no pregnancy takes place. The reason of egg and sperm not meeting may include a history of pelvic infection (especially chlamydia), prior abdominal surgery, painful periods, pain during sex and heavy bleeding and clotting during menstrual periods. A fertility doctor will focus on these clues while a general physician may not be able to diagnose it and may put you on fertility drugs which will not help if your fallopian tubes are blocked.

Can they Stick?

During fertilisation, the genetic material in the sperm and egg combine to create a new cell that will rapidly start dividing. This bundle of new cells is known as the blastocyst. It continues travelling down the fallopian tube towards the uterus, a journey which can take another three days or so. You are not actually pregnant until the blastocyst has attached itself to the wall of your uterus, where it will develop into an embryo and placenta. Occasionally, the blastocyst will implant somewhere other than the uterus (usually in the fallopian tube). This is called an ectopic pregnancy, which is a medical emergency. The pregnancy will not survive outside the uterus and needs to be completely removed, to avoid damage to the fallopian tube. When the blastocyst does not implant miscarriage takes place. If a couple is facing recurrent pregnancy loss then only fertility expert will be able to evaluate this problem. In normal circumstances the couple may suspect this is happening to them because in several months there cycle was different, had sore breasts, bleeding was late, early, heavier or lighter during menstruation. Many times the infertile couple or their family member has an autoimmune disease such as Lupus or Rheumatoid Arthritis or has a history of a blood clot in the leg or in the lung. If so, there are tests that can be done to identify if any of these factors may be influencing your fertility. Once identified, a doctor who focuses on helping women conceive will chart out a course of action to improve your odds of success. Only fertility expert will be able to guide you in such circumstances.

Couples should not assume that infertility is the result of a medical problem. Lifestyle choices may impact fertility, such as caffeine use, stress, exercise and diet. Your physician may recommend lifestyle changes to increase fertility. Both the male and female should be evaluated. Try to use all of your options to conceive before seeking the help of a fertility specialist. There are many ways both men and women can increase their fertility naturally. Become familiar with these natural options and try to incorporate them into your daily lives.Most guidelines recommend an investigation for infertility if a woman who is under age 35 has had unprotected intercourse for 12 months or longer and has not become pregnant. Women 35 and older are recommended to wait only six months before seeking help. Some authorities advise women over 30 should start investigating after six months of trying to conceive.

If a couple is knowing the reason of infertility as mentioned above then its the time for them to consult infertility expert at the earliest. They should not wait or go for any other test and must consult the expert without wasting time. The young, enthusiastic and energetic fertility consultants of Blossom IVF Centre in Surat are always ready to help infertile couples to conceive. Blossom IVF Centre has been instrumental in bringing joy in life of many infertile couple through advanced infertility treatments and IVF treatment. Our centre offers a one-stop diagnostic and treatment service for infertile couples and more than 800 such couples are helped every year. The team of our doctors have an expertise in all sort of advanced fertility treatment, assisted reproductive techniques-IVF, ICSI, IUI, cryopreservation of gametes and embryos, Endoscopic surgeries, advanced laparoscopic surgeries, urogynecology and laser embryo hatching.

Contact or call our IVF Clinic – Fertility Specialist to know more about in vitro fertilization,ivf procedure,ivf treatment,iui procedure,iui treatment,vitro fertilization,icsi ivf,ivf icsi,icsi treatment,icsi procedure,ivf embryo transfer and know more about your options to conceive with help of Assisted reproductive technology.

You can contact the team of our fertility experts in Surat Gujarat and seek their guidance by contacting us at or at or you can just give us a call at +91 99799 46222 or at +91 261 2470444 to fix up an appointment with us.