March 10, 2025

Why The Walk-in Tub Is The Safest Bath For Seniors

Perhaps the most frightening time of a senior citizen’s day is bath time. One of every three seniors will fall annually. One half of those will fall again within the same year. With weakened muscles and bones, maintaining their balance is not as simple as it once was.

Their fear of falling is very real. The pain, permanent injuries, and loss of independence are all fears that a senior citizen legitimately has. With the risk of these types of impairing fears of injuries, bathrooms must be made safer and more senior-friendly.

Today there are new, innovative tubs that reduce the risk of injury, alleviates many fears, and yet still allows for a cleansing bath. The walk-in tub was designed with many safety features that make it truly reliable for a senior citizen or others with any type of disability that makes it cumbersome to get into and out of a conventional tub.

The first feature that one will notice about the walk-in tub is just that, one walks into it. A conventional bath tub has high sides that are difficult to step over. This is one of the greatest sources of fear for the elderly.

They no longer have the balance and stability to stand on one foot while navigating over the side of the tub. This fear is further compounded when having to step into or out of a slick, wet surface.

The walk-in tub has a twenty-four inch wide door that swings inward and seals closed over a five inch high threshold. The width of the door and the low threshold allow for ease of access and more secure footing. Standard in every tub are grab bars placed in strategic positions for the added security that one needs where there is the fear of falling.

Another fear for seniors is the fear of being burned by their bath water. Unable to move as quickly as they once could, a senior’s sensitive skin is exposed to the hot water for an extended period of time resulting in more serious burns. The makers of the walk-in tub have taken that issue into consideration when designing the tub.

There is an enhanced faucet feature that allows the temperature to be preset. This prevents the water from exceeding the preset temperature and maintains a steady degree of heated water to enter the tub.

The increasing trend of keeping the elderly in our homes calls for the renovation of our bathrooms to provide a safe environment for them to cleanse themselves in a calming and relaxing atmosphere free from the worry of falling while getting into and out of the bath.