March 13, 2025

Yayfood Compared To Fat Loss 4 Idiots

YayFOOD and Fat Loss 4 Idiots both have pros and cons. I’d like to explore both of them here.

To begin with, Fat Loss 4 Idiots is undeniably the more popular of the two. It’s been around a lot longer, and quite frankly is marketed a lot better.

However, does that make it better? Let’s explore:

First of all – when you get inside the member’s area for FL4I, you’re greeted with what looks like 20 or so different pages. These are mini-articles. There’s also a diet generator.

The basic concept of Fat Loss 4 Idiots is that you need to eat the same foods over and over – but they mix and match them so that you’re eating different combinations. You can only eat the same 30 foods over and over. Some examples of these foods are garden salad with dressing, green and red vegetables, hard boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, green beans, fresh grapefruit, and broiled flounder.

When you get inside yayFOOD, the member’s area is quite different.

There are calorie calculators, where you type in your height, weight, and exercise level. Depending on your specifics is how they tell you what to eat – which seems to make a lot more sense.

The first benefit of yayFOOD is that you can eat whatever you want – not the boring diet food – although they do give sample meal plans and meal ideas so that you can have some reference. There are even 7 day meal plans that Rachel herself eats. Members add recipes to the Recipe Database all the time, too – so there’s no shortage of variety.

There’s hundreds of articles, reports, and resources for you to use in there.

There’s ongoing support, too – so that you can ask a question whenever you want and get a quick answer.

There’s also a diet goal section where you can put in your weight, and it’ll automatically email your friends and family when you reach goal (if you want). You can also keep a journal, a goal setter, and more.

There’s also much more of a community with yayFOOD.

Overall, yayFOOD has much better value than FL4I. The good thing about FL4I is that it’s a one-time fee, whereas yayFOOD is $19.95 a month. However, since you get so many extra benefits with yayFOOD, it might be well worth it for you. Also, there’s an 8 week no-questions-asked guarantee, so it’s risk free.
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