March 14, 2025

Yaz: A Potentially Deadly Birth Control Pill

With the advent of modern medicine and pharmaceutical sciences, contraception became increasingly available to women. Pharmaceutical companies presently make billions of dollars producing contraceptives for women who want to take control of their reproductive health. While most contraceptives do prevent unwanted pregnancies, a number of these are harmful with some being
downright lethal with increased dosages and are being sold to millions of women in the United States alone. One of these harmful contraceptives is YAZ.
A Killer Drug Enters the Market
In 2001, pharmaceutical company Bayer received FDA approval for its contraceptive dubbed Yasmin, which contained drospirenone and ethynylestradiol as active ingredients. Drospirenone is a synthetic progestin a hormone which, coupled with estrogen (the primary female sex hormone), has been found to be the most effective method of hormonal contraception. Ethynylestradiol, on the other hand, is a synthetic form of estrogen used in almost all modern formulations of oral contraceptive pills. YAZ, a newer version of Yasmin, was introduced and approved by the FDA in 2006. Since then, Yasmin and YAZ have become one of the most popular brands of contraceptives being sold. As a birth control pill, Yasmin/YAZ was proven to have 99% effectiveness in preventing pregnancy, treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), and treating moderate acne in women age 14 years
old and above.
However, the side effects of the drug proved to be more serious than its benefits, so much so that by 2009 there were already 125 lawsuits filed against YAZ manufacturer, Bayer Pharmaceuticals. The number continued to grow as more women fell victim to YAZ and to its deceptive advertisements. The FDA issued Bayer a warning letter for its commercials that promised purported benefits of the drug,which were not proven during its clinical trials. The advertisements also downplayed the side effects of YAZ in an effort to save the drug from being pulled from the market. The side effects, however, were far too serious to be ignored and have resulted in YAZ falling under FDA’s scrutiny.
Clinically-proven Side Effects of YAZ

Two clinical trials were made to determine YAZ’s efficacy: the first is the contraception and moderate
acne clinical trial, and the second is the PMDD clinical trial. The clinical trials reported the following side effects from continuous use of YAZ:
– Headache/migraine
– Menstrual irregularities
– Vomiting/Nausea
– Breast tenderness/pain
– Mood swings
– Menstrual irregularities
– Fatigue
– Irritability
– Decreased libido
– Weight gain
All of these and more were reported by women who used YAZ. Careful study of YAZ’s side effects revealed that the drug can alter levels of potassium in the blood as well as damage the heart, leading to life threatening effects that include:
– Heart attack
– Stroke
– Deep vein thrombosis
– Blood clots
– Liver damage
– Anaphylactic shock
– Cervical cancer
– Pulmonary embolism
– Gallbladder disease
Increasing Awareness
With hundreds of women falling victim to YAZ, it is imperative for women and men alike to ensure thatthey are aware of the harmful effects of this contraceptive. Women especially, must educate themselves
about the drugs they take; they can take advantage of the reliable medical information over the internet regarding drugs being sold commercially. Awareness and information are just some of the preventive actions that can be taken to ensure that no killer drugs are for sale in shelves nationwide.
For more information contact Yaz attorney John Donahue at 1-888-736-4248 or go to Yaz Lawsuit .

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